Wednesday 10 August 2016


Slimming Tea Healthy Eating Challenge
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Eat some Tuna &/or Grilled Chicken

Day 8 is probably a good time to take stock of how you have gone in the first week of the healthy eating challenge. Did you meet the requirements for all 7 days? If so congratulations we are sure you are feeling the benefits already and now it’s time to smash the second week as well. Did you only manage to meet your goal on 1 day or haven't been successful at all yet? Well let’s make this second week more successful, don’t let failure stop you from future success. Remember you only have to improve on what you were doing previously to get positive results, you don’t need to hit your targets 100% they are simply goals to motivate you, don’t let your failure to reach them de-motivate you, just focus on improving yourself from yesterday.
Now we have spoken a lot over the last week about fruits and vegetables and how important they are to good health. Today we look at some excellent sources of protein that we want you to try today. Protein is a vitally important substance for your body, it is responsible for muscle repair and growth, hormone production, improved metabolism and is an excellent source of energy.
Today we want to get that protein hit without consuming too many calories. Let’s take a look at today’s foods:


Tuna is a cheap and easy source of protein but it is also packed full of other nutrients. A single serving of Tuna provides more than your daily requirement of Selenium, vitamin B3, Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. It also contains a large percentage of your daily intake of vitamin B6, Protein, Vitamin D, potassium, magnesium and Vitamin B1. In addition tuna can reduce cardiovascular conditions, stimulate growth and development, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help in weight loss efforts, boost the immune system, increase energy, maintain the health of the skin, increase red blood cell count, prevent cancer, protect against various kidney diseases, reduce general inflammation, and inhibit cell membrane damage. Pretty impressive from such a simple fish, just remember if you choose the canned varieties choose water based ones as they have the highest nutritional value.


Chicken is so versatile and can be cooked in many ways, fried and deep fried chicken in particularly is incredibly popular and rather tasty as well. But nutritionally grilled chicken is a far better option and that will be your goal for today.
We already know its high in protein but it’s relatively low in fat (when compared to red meats) and supplies a considerable amount of essential vitamins and minerals. Research suggests the health benefits of chicken don’t stop there with evidence that chicken:
  • Is a natural anti-depressant
  • Prevents bone loss
  • Reduces cardiovascular disease
  • Boost Metabolism
  • Improves Eye Health
  • Prevents Migraines
  • Prevents Grey Hair
Today is most easily achieved with a chicken or tuna dinner. Add some salad or vegetables to your dish and you will have a well rounded, low fat, low calorie meal that will keep you feeling full for longer and packed full of health benefits.

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    DAY 9 Eat A Red Fruit by Moringa Slimming Tea

    Slimming Tea Healthy Eating Challenge
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    DAY 9
    Eat A Red Fruit 

    Day 6 saw us consume a red vegetable, today we are looking for a red fruit. The same compounds that make a red vegetable healthy for you and give them their red colour are also found in red fruits. If you want a reminder on why the pyytochemicals lycophene and anthocyanin are good for you, see Day 6 of the Healthy Eating Challenge.
    So we know red means good health let’s take a look at your options for today’s challenge:


    We have discussed apples a couple of times already, but to recap they are full of fibre, nutrients and keep you feeling full for longer.


    Our personal favourite for taste, Strawberries pack a nutritional punch as well. Let’s start with the best part – strawberries have been proven to help burn stored fat. That would probably be enough reason to eat strawberries but they also boost short term memory, ease inflammation, lower cardiovascular disease, promote bone health and have anti-aging properties.


    Unfortunately the cherry growing season is far too short, but during the summer months make sure you add some to your diet. Not only are they delicious but the seeds ensure you eat them slowly and really get value from the high fibre.  Some other cool benefits of cherries include improved recovery from exercise, arthritis relief, cancer fighting properties and improved sleep.


    Another red super fruit, raspberries have health benefits that are important to everyone. Raspberries are high in fibre and manganese which are excellent for weight loss. Fibre slows down your digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer and manganese keeps your metabolism high and helps burn fat.  They also have anti-cancer properties, are excellent for your skin health and a rich source of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, copper and iron.
    If none of these take your fancy there a quite a few more red fruits to choose from:
    • Blood Oranges
    • Cranberries
    • Red Grapefruit
    • Red Pears
    • Pomegranates
    • Watermelon (we have looked at watermelon already here)
    So day 9 is an easy challenge, pick your favourite red fruit add it to your lunch box and feel the health benefits.
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      HEALTHY EATING CHALLENGE by Moringa Slimming Tea



      DAY 7
      Have a Sugar Free Day

      It is important to understand that sugar occurs naturally in foods and is an essential energy source. So although many fruits for example are high in natural sugar, Day 7 refers to avoiding added or processed sugar. Today is possibly the most important day for weight loss, with a number of recent research papers slamming the link between added sugar and obesity. If you want long-term weight loss it is our belief here that reducing your sugar intake is the single most important step you can take.
      Now excess sugar is a big problem. The average American consumes 28kg of added sugar every year or 76.7 grams (19 teaspoons) per day which excludes sugars from fruit juice. The American Heart Association recommends 25 grams per day for women and 37.5 grams for men. As you can see we are currently consuming more than double what we should, and these calories are completely empty in terms of nutritional value, but they make a great target to focus on for weight loss and generally improved health.
      So how do you have a sugar free day? Well its actually harder than you would think, whilst we all know chocolates, soft drink and pastries are full of sugar and bad for you, unfortunately a large number of foods on our supermarket shelves are full of added sugar. Basically you will have to read the nutritional guide available on all foods and check the sugar content.
      A basic rule of thumb which is as relevant today as it was 50 years ago when Jack Lalanne first said it:
      "If humans make it, don’t eat it!"

      Here are some surprising foods to avoid:

      Fat Free Foods
      Despite the positive sounding marketing, these foods almost universally swap out fat with processed sugar. So whilst the fat content is very low the calories consumed can actually skyrocket with the added sugar necessary to keep the foods tasty. Coles light vanilla ice cream which boasts that it is 97% fat free is made up of no less than 22% sugar. 2 scoops contains a third of your recommended sugar intake for the day.
      Salad Dressing
      Traditionally you would associate salad dressing with good health, after all salads are excellent for you. However a simple French salad dressing is made up of 16% sugar. Try olive oil or balsamic vinegar instead or just go natural with the salad and let the vegetables provide the taste.
      BBQ sauce
      Sauce and condiments are often overlooked when it comes to sugar, but their great flavours almost exclusively come from the high sugar content. Thu humble BBQ sauce is 33% sugar and should be avoided on your sugar free day.
                                                         Flavoured Yoghurt
      Yoghurt is quite rightly touted as an excellent food source for good health. Greek yoghurt in particular has many health benefits and should be added to your diet when possible. However the more common yoghurt varieties are a different story altogether. Whilst greek yoghurt has only 3% sugar content, the flavoured variety has a massive 19%, one cup of this will contain 47 grams of sugar smashing your daily allowance in one go.

      Fruit Juice
      Whilst fruits are high in sugar, they are packed full of other nutritional benefits, not least being fibre which will keep you feeling full. Fruit juice strips most of this nutritional benefit and leaves you with the high levels of sugar. A fruit juice simply won’t fill you up like the fruit will, so you consume the same amount of calories and sugar and potentially start snacking a lot sooner. One glass of orange juice contains 21 grams of sugar, nearly the recommend daily allowance for women.
      Some More
      Energy Bars, White Breads, “health food” snacks, dried fruits and many breakfast cereals have high concentrations of sugar. Whilst their names and marketing may suggest otherwise its important today for you to make a habit of checking the nutritional guides on any packaged foods. Meats, Vegetables, Fruits and unpackaged nuts are good choices today along with water and tea on the beverage side of things.



      We have discussed the importance of reducing sugar for weight loss, but that is just one of many benefits in minimizing sugar in our diets. From a health perspective a reduction in sugar will lead to:
      • Improved Liver health and reduction in fatty liver deposits
      • Reduced cholesterol levels
      • Better insulin production and significant reduction in the chances of diabetes
      • Improves function of a hormone called Leptin which is the hormone that tells the brain that we are full.
      When you cut sugar out of your diet you will notice many changes, some immediately and some over a few weeks time. If weight loss does not motivate you enough to check nutritional information on foods a reduction in sugar will:
      • Break a cycle of sugar dependence. Research has suggested that sugar is a physically addictive substance which will cause a never ending cycle of gradually consuming more sugar to satisfy demand. Many people report when they cut out sugar is their cravings for sweets and snacks drops significantly. The moral of the story is the longer you go without, the easier it gets.
      • Reduce your snacking and help you feel full. Sugar doesn’t cause proper satiety, which basically means it doesn’t make you feel full for long. Think of how a chocolate bar only satisfies for a short period of time.
      • Your skin will clear up. Sugar is the leading cause to post teenager acne and skin blemishes. Removing it from your diet will save you time and money in the skincare department.
      • You will sleep easier and more peacefully. Not only will you be more alert and awake during the day but your body will be better prepared to fall asleep at bedtime as well.
      • Reduce Anxiety and related conditions. Research has shown that sugar exasperates anxiety, irritability, memory loss and mood swings. Taking it out of your diet could be as beneficial for the mind as it is for the body.
      As we have discussed previously action is more important than perfection. Don’t let all this information overwhelm you, just take a few pieces of advice and apply it to your sugar free day today. You may not meet a professional nutritionist high standards but swapping that soft drink for water is an improvement for you and your body. Little changes and small improvements will add up in the long run.
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        7 Super Foods in every Sip (Moringa Slimming Tea)